Best Tennis Bags

How to Prepare for a Tennis Match: The Ultimate Pre-Match Routine

Posted by Chris Pageau on
How to Prepare for a Tennis Match: The Ultimate Pre-Match Routine

"By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail.”

-Benjamin Franklin

When preparing for a tennis match, there are certain behaviors and mindsets that can be helpful to set yourself up for success. People often go into matches without the necessary preparation habits, and they end up regretting not spending enough time getting themselves mentally and physically ready to compete. Certain behaviors and mindsets will be outlined to set you up for upcoming matches with the ultimate goal of turning this into a repeatable routine.

Preparation is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Trial and error is certainly needed to figure out what works best for you, so you can use these guidelines to establish a preparation routine that works for you.

Sleep, Eat, and Hydrate well

The lifestyle decisions that you make involving your sleep, nutrition, and hydration can make a significant impact on your physical and mental performance. Though I won’t include specific suggestions around the number of hours of sleep needed, nutritional guidance, or the exact amount of water you should be drinking (there are plenty of other blog posts that cover this information), it is certainly important that these factors are prioritized and properly handled before a match so that you feel well-rested, properly nourished, and hydrated when your match starts.

Pack Your Bag the Night Before

A crucial part of pre-match preparation involves packing your top tennis bag in advance. Brad Gilbert’s well-known book Winning Ugly includes an entire chapter on packing your tennis bag; he makes the point that packing your bag may not cause you to win a match necessarily, but packing your bag poorly can cause you to lose a match if you forget to bring certain essential items.

This is ideally completed the evening before your match to reduce stress the following day. If you don’t need to find your items and ensure that your bag is packed on match day, then you can focus on things related to playing your best. Choosing a well-organized and best selling tennis bag like the Geau Sport Axiom 9-Pack Racquet Bag can make this process easier. With its smart compartment design, durability, and functionality, this black tennis bag helps keep your essentials—racquets, grips, water bottles, and snacks—secure and within easy reach, so you can step onto the court with confidence.

Use Mental Tools to Help You Prepare

There are numerous mental tools that can be helpful during the preparation phase, though typically these ought to be learned and practiced in advance so that the mental tools are well-established prior to the match starting.

Imagery (Visualization)

A helpful tool that allows athletes to mentally rehearse how they intend to handle certain situations that may take place in the match and establish a game plan. Imagery can also be used to “relive” highlight-reel moments and reinforce new techniques. Adding sensory details makes this practice more effective.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

This technique involves tensing and loosening specific muscles for five to ten seconds, helping athletes build awareness of tension in their bodies and learn how to release it before or during a match.

Box Breathing

A breathing technique that involves inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and holding for four seconds before repeating.

4-7-8 Breathing

A method where you inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. This can help manage stress and stay present before a match.

Certain athletes prefer box breathing or 4-7-8 breathing, so I generally suggest that athletes try both breathing exercises and utilize the technique that they prefer. Both of these breathing exercises help athletes relax prior to a match and can help them spend more time in the present moment rather than focusing too much on the future and focusing on the end result of the upcoming match.

Think About What Could Happen and Have a Plan for It

Have a clear plan for how you want to handle certain situations that are likely to occur when you’re playing. This is referred to as “if-then planning” or an “implementation intention,” and helps tennis players establish a clear plan for certain common situations.

For example, you may choose to have a plan for a situation where you believe that your opponent made a bad line call against you. You may also establish a plan for moments where you’re not playing your best and nothing seems to be working.

Note: implementation intentions don’t guarantee that you’ll handle the situation the way that you want to, but having a clear plan and intention makes it easier to “activate” your plan and do your best at following through with it in the moment.

Remind Yourself of What You’re Really Playing For

Lastly, find time to remind yourself of why you’re really playing. Though the match you’re about to play may feel significant, there is generally a much more significant reason why you’re playing. Your reason may be to see how high of a level you can reach since your recent injury. It may be to help yourself stay fit and enjoy the social aspects of the sport. If you don’t have a specific reason, you may decide that your goal is to work towards being the best player that you can be.

Regardless of your main reason or motivation for playing, it is critical to remind yourself of your reason prior to entering the court for your match. This can help you keep things in perspective during the ups and downs of a match and may provide you with motivation during decisive moments as well.

Final Thoughts

Preparation is the foundation for success in tennis. By prioritizing sleep, hydration, and nutrition, utilizing mental strategies, and packing a top tennis bag like the Geau Sport Axiom Racquet Bag, you’ll set yourself up for peak performance. Creating a routine that works for you will not only reduce stress but also enhance your confidence on the court.


About the Author

Josh Burger M.S. is the founder and sport psychology coach of Tiebreaker Psych. He helps athletes of all sports, ages, and levels build mental tools and skills that help them perform better, enjoy their sport more, and take pressure off of themselves.

Learn more about the author

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