Optimize Your Bag: Packing Tips for Your Axiom 9-Pack Tennis Bag
Posted by Chris Pageau onMaking the most out of a bag as game-changing as the Axiom 9-Pack Tennis Racquet Bag requires that you maximize the space you have available. In this article, we will be sharing with you the ideal way to organize your Axiom 9 so you, too, can utilize its features in the most optimal fashion possible.
The Best Fitness Gear for Tennis: Reviews and Recommendations by Geau Sport
Posted by Chris Pageau onTo help you with your training, we have handpicked the best fitness gear that you can use to squeeze the most gains out of your training regimen. These items are highly recommended by many tennis players, pros and amateurs alike.
The Essential Items You MUST Keep in Your Tennis Bag
Posted by Chris Pageau onPicture your favorite tennis star walking towards the court, carrying a black tennis bag filled to the brim with everything he or she needs for the game. Have you ever wondered what those bags contain?
Home Workouts You Can Do to Stay Tennis-Ready
Posted by Chris Pageau onBeing an athlete is not easy! And for a sport that requires so much physical activity like tennis, overall fitness is the top priority. To play good tennis, you need to have the strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance to take your game to the next level.
The Best Tennis Gear for Intermediate Players: A Comprehensive Guide
Posted by Chris Pageau onWhether you are club player looking to level up your tennis game, or someone who is looking for tennis gift ideas for a buddy, sifting through the multitude of items from all tennis equipment brands can be a very arduous endeavour. This is why we compiled a list of the tennis equipment we...